Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Author's Note: This is a character analysis on Isabelle from the book Perfect.  This piece is saying don’t judge a book by its cover, because sometimes words are much more powerful than actions.

We see a girl that has no father and lives with her  younger sister, April, and her mom. Isabelle is strong mentally, although she is weak physically, but she has enough strength to fight through life's down moments. What these two people do for themselves in the end was the best thing they could ever choose.

Isabelle is the main character in the book "Perfect," This story is about Isabelle and her sister dealing with bulimia. Isabelle is making herself throw up because she thinks of herself as over-weight, thinking this the best for herself, which it isn’t. She is hurting herself by messing up her eating habits.  Isabelle’s eating habits connect to the book “Skinny” because of a girl named Holly, where she is fighting  her weight and for her life. 

Holly is a girl that has anorexia,  but is also a very great athlete, however Isabelle is bulimic and not athletic.   It is easy to see they are in a way very similar because both of their dads have passed away. After both suffer this loss, they choose to change their chances of living a full life, by changing their eating habits in a bad way.

Isabelle finds the most popular girl, Ashley, in school in her group therapy class. They become the best of friends.  The coincidental thing is, they both are bulimic. Holly’s older sister Giselle is helping her with this problem, as Ashley is helping Isabelle.   I am glad that I don’t have any bad eating habits because I wouldn't want people laughing or making fun of me because of the way I felt with my body.

Toward the end of the book Isabelle has stopped her filthy habit and started eating right again.  But as for Ashley, she still continues to make herself vomit. Isabelle's therapy leader was able to help her change the way she looked at herself,  seeing that it does not matter what you look like. You should know that you are beautiful just the way you are.  Don’t let way others judge you affect who you are because only you know what your heart feels.  Be yourself, live the way you want to live, and not the way others want you to.

Friday, November 30, 2012

What Will Happen Next?

Author's Note: A prediction piece of a hook that is haunted by a mysterious black shadow that we do anything to protect his hook.

 In the lab were Cody did all of his experiments and mysterious things no one may ever now. He found a golden hook. As the boy tried and tried to melt the hook into a block of gold, but nothing was changing for the past hour. What was going on with the hook? Was there something important about the hook? As the night went by things were changing, light was flickering tools were swaying. It was cold and frightening noises everywhere. Then silence grew upon the room, dark shadow grew upon his presents breathing down his neck and spook in low scratchy tone, “THIS IS MY HOOK!”, and the black shadow grabbed him down to the basement were no one may ever go.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Our Founding Father's

Author’s Note: We all have our own ideas in mind, but the true answer is known only by the ones who set the goal themselves, our founding fathers.

Our founding fathers are the ones who bring hope and peace or a riot for our country. Such as all the presidents for example they are our founding fathers. The ones who made everything happen for what is going on today. We will have many more conflicts in our country between the presidents and our country.

Every time we get a new president there are so many rules that are changed. We might not notice it, but all our elders do. With all the taxes and the gas prices it’s a big change. Even though our prices have been going down, I just think that there is no need for it all to go up. It just does not make any sense for our president take all that money from us and  who knows what they use the money for.

We often tend to check all of our house hold items and where they were made in. Everything that you can find is either made in China or Mexico and even India. What have we been doing? Where are all of our “MADE IN USA” stamps? It just seems to me that we have nothing to work on and put our names on something other than land.

There have been so many rises and falls as this country that has formed us to be what we are today . Without some of these conflicts we wouldn’t have the same rules and freedom. Sure everyone gets frustrated with our government and society, but without them we wouldn’t have the history that we do, or more importantly, the future.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Running Until the End

Author's Note: This is a cause and effect piece. You may move on to another family, there will be that time where you just might want to take everything back that you have maybe messed up in the past.

 What was Hollis’s reason for running away? In pictures of Hollis woods, the cause is how Hollis ran away from her foster family and found a different family but it turns out she really loves her other family. Running away was one thing that she regrets big time. Later she is reunited with the Regan's, her past foster family.

The time that she has spent with her family that has newly adopted her and loving her with a mom and a dad and a brother. One day she ran away, disappeared. Her reason for that is she felt that she was pulling the family apart by just being the outcast and that overwhelmed Hollis because she felt like she was just being spoiled. Far away Hollis ran, and found a new mother but she was single and no children of her own. Missing her old family changed her mind of st1aying away from then.  Driving back to her family was making Hollis nervous but so excited, hopping that the family would be mad at her for running away. One big happy family was once more. She can be just like other foster child, the one that might be nervous, timid and it may just overwhelming for kids that really haven't had a family in a long time or ever.

Friday, October 12, 2012

She Will Choose

Author's Note: Hollis has a conflict and a resolution that is person to person, also person to self. Both of those bring her to a life changing situation.

In the book Pictures of Hollis woods, there are many different conflicts. Hollis has a problem that keeps her thinking about her past of the Regan's family. As in the present time she is living with a old art teacher Josie. Everything that Josie did, it reminderd her of the Regain family father. Hollis is trying to fight herself  to forget about what she has done in the past but so far it hasn't been helping and fighting the musterd lady for not wanting to leave. 

As time goes on being with Josie, the more Hollis misses the Regan's. Not a light in her head to guide her the right direction, but she must choose the right family before the foster care takes her away were she doesn't want to be. She feels safe with the people that she already has been with for a couple months, but how does Hollis get away from the foster care? Will she choose a family in time, or just run away once more?

Friday, October 5, 2012

My Trip To Mexico

Author’s Note: A wonderful experience, just you and your family having the best of time in the sun.

The smell of fresh flowers and moist air, all sticky after five hours on plane a ride. Were here in Mexico! Mom, Dad, Maija and I, all hopped off of the plane looking straight at the airport. Every sign that we see is in Spanish. What was your favorite vacation spot that you have gone before, mine was Mexico.

“What would you guys like to do first?” my mom blurts out. Every one of us were thinking. “I would like to go straight to our resort.” I said. Already as she had taken 500 pictures on her camera, just a few more.  As we make our way to the resort.

Huge, very professional plus right when you walk in they give you a free drink. The taste of mango, peaches and cherries, it just blended in your mouth so evenly.  Finally all four of us find our room, which was way too far from  the pool! Finally at the second day of being in the Mexico, we moved our room right next to the pool, “YES!”

Every day we all went to a different restaurant. Different foods, shopping, also at night some exotic animals were there to feed, there was even bull riding one night. That is all around the center of the resort.

As we finished up our week, it was the best experience that I have been through. The best part was all the different flowers; many different animals around and the most amazing food ever made. Sadness in all of us never wanting to leave. I hope I could come back again as a girl and maybe someday bring my own family here too enjoy the fantastic life time experience like I did as a young girl. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Where is She?

The Hunger Games

Author's note: I will be retelling what has happened in Katniss Everdeen's story of a game called the Hunger Games. 
  The main character is Katniss Everdeen from district 12, the poor district. This competition is a life or death experience for Katniss, sprinting from wild beasts and other tributes from different districts. Hiding is the main game for everyone that may be seen. The hard part of this is surviving, and all of this is for a life time supply of food. 
She has built up her confidence throughout the book, by believing that she will fight till the end no matter what will happen. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Author’s note: Cheerleading is not a simple sport, there are a lot of techniques you must have. Focused, stiff and prepared, for what may happen next.

You may think that cheerleading is not a sport, maybe not for a football game cheering for your team. When you are going into the big leagues, that is when cheer is a sport. Flying around in all different stunts, such as elevators, extensions, basket tosses, there are so many different ways to use the smallest girls on the cheer team, you tell me that isn't a sport.

 Competitions are just a thrill to be in and to be at. Personally I have never been in a competition yet, But I cannot wait till I am in one. For being in a competition you have to work your best and be stiff as a rock. From what I have heard that the judges are very strict; for instants falling is just one of the worst points you can possibly go down in, or losing your smile.

When you are cheerleading you must have great collaboration, be loud and just work as a team. It is not the football or basketball kind of team, it is a team that you have to listen to each other and help others. We are all connected in cheer, such as if the back is not stronger enough then the bases are getting weak, were they are losing their balance, and when the bases  cannot hold up anymore then the stunt cannot be successful .

Flying is the hard part, you’re up so high in the air you just cannot look down. Strong legs is a nice thing to have and being able to hold yourself up is once again another. You really cannot think about a lot just look straight ahead and you will stay standing, well most likely.

Some simple rules and techniques in cheerleading. Football one thing, competition is another.  Maybe this might make you think differently, or you may not. Stunting, the most difficult part. Cheering, you just need to remember every word and action in the cheer.  Cheer may not be a sport but we will have competitions and rivals. 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Brown hair Witing Circles

Author's note: Every time you have a stupid moment people ask are you a blonde but then your a brown.

“Oh Mama, what color is the water?” I ask sweetly
“The water is blue” she said annoyingly were it made me just walk away. After that moment I went to my sister and asked her,
“Why can’t blind people see?” I asked very stupidly
“They can’t see because they are blind, now go away!” she said in a stern and angry face. Then I went up to my dad and asked him,
“Why is the earth round?” tilting my head and thinking
“God put it that way.” He just rolled his eyes and just walked away. I got to school the next day and when up to Tiffany, but she said to me,
“I lost my phone” with a panic,
“Were is it though” I asked with a blank face.
“O my gosh you are such a dumb blond,” and started to cracking up. So then I ran straight to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, but I am a brown?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Childhood Memory Writing Circle

Author’s note- You can always make your childhood better because you still are young so make it happen.

Your childhood is an important part of your life, if you were one of those crazy kids who can’t just sit still or one of the quiet kids that just love sitting inside asking your parents questions. Well i was one of those kids that were very obnoxious and none stop running. My favorite childhood memory was just trying to sell anything that i could find just to earn money. One time my sister and my bestfriend pluse me, we did a dancing show in my garage. We got about five different shows that went on, but only seven new people showed up, they only had to pay 50 cents for each person. I had a blast that day.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Roller Coster Writing Circles

Author's note- Going to six flags is a blast, but if you are there for your first time everything is a heart pounding experience.

All your friends so happy that you have arrived to great America, and then there is you scared to death, thinking what will you do you aren't just going to sit there and do nothing and watch your friends have fun. An hour pasts and you haven’t been on any rides yet, but then it comes to your time to have fun. Your first roller coaster it's not time to back out. Going up and up, everything so small coming slower. I’m at the top yes, what is going to happen next I can’t see over anyone's shoulder, in the middle being short you can never see anything coming. and down we go herein the fear coming out of my mouth. I did it I made it through my first roller coaster!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Friends Writing Circles

Author's- friends are always there for you.

Friends are the ones you can tell a secrets and they are there for you.  when you have a broken heart or just you are down on that day. It doesn't matter  where you are in life what you do or how much you have.Your best friend is always there for you.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Technology Writing Circles

Author's note- From the beginning of time to the year 2012 we have come so far in technology maybe even too far.

“Mom just five more minutes” Sarah said
“No you have to get ready for your sisters band concert” Mom said
“fine but i will just say goodbye to Rebecca” Sarah said typing and giggling. this is what the typical parent gets when kids are on the computer like Facebook or twitter. Is this what are world is going to be like “Five more minutes” are generation can be lazy but we need to back away from the technology, and stand up to be who we are not what is in front of use.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Dreams Writing Circels

Facing The Edge 
Author's note- Dreams can always mean something.

Black and white all over, alone and quite. There was footsteps louder and louder, the rattle of keys frightened me. A low voice told me to come into the darkness, “SWOOSH” there was a bright light shining in my face but the room was different, there were a million people all over where I couldn't even move,  its like being in New York on New Years.  All of a sudden I was facing the end of the earth, “Watch out” yelled a man and then something hit me and i fell off the edge screaming no help then “BOOM”. That was when I hit the floor, like I mean literally I fell off my bed right before I went splat in my dream.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Semantic Decices

Semantic Devices

Symbolism, The Secret Door

The Secret Door

"The feel of shadows just about to jump right on me"
 Some sort of spirit is just watching you.

"The taste of MUST in my mouth but with a scent of paint"
When you are in an old basement, you just get that metal or just old stuff taste.

 "The old wooden door"
When you are in an old church in 1940, then there has to be an old wooden door that makes it feel warmer.

"Seeing the relief on their faces"
Have you ever been so scared from something but then it turns in to be your best friend? That is what they feel. 

"At night it is a whole different place"
 When the day ends the whole place that you are at just get really creepy.

"My heart started to pound"
 When your heart is pounding what you are feeling, I feel fear. 

"He motioned me to a smaller chair next to him"
 Most of the time when someone motions you to somewhere it mean that they what to talk or to sit by them.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Spring Assessment

What’s Next?

Rarely anyone can make it out of the hospital alive from rupture appendices, but this young boy named, Colton, survive. With all the emotion thinking that you are going to lose a blessed child, and praying god for hope to let this young 4 year old boy live. Don’t let him slip away! As a pastor, Todd tried so hard not to flip out about this, but then he did cursing to god saying “Why my son, why?!?!?”

The world could be the same as this book “Heaven is for Real,” by Todd Burpo, losing families every dear to you. Just like the Burpo family in this story, where they almost lost Colton because of his ruptured appendices. Scary things can happen so don’t just run away from them, they could just change your life.

As a student, I have never come close to death nor would I want to. That was the same with Colton but when he was cold for a while in his surgery it really changed his life, because he met the one and only God. From the dads point of view of the story once is son told him that he was with god in heaven with wings, it struck him hard.

Colton was never ready to see God, he did believe in him but he didn’t know he was going to see him waiting for Colton to rise up with him. What would you say you passed away but came back? In Colton’s plays he wasn’t held back by that he was inspired and determined that he was going to try to change the world like Jesus wanted. He wanted to have to world all sidle and wise.  Colton says to his father “Dad you need to see Jesus. He is so beautiful, with his sea blue eyes, and a smile that light up the heavens.

If you know someone that has ever came out of the hospital alive from a rupture appendices. They were blessed because rarely anyone can survive that, but Colton the 4-year-old buy did and he was a blessed child, meeting god going in heaven and having small wings to carry you away. All of this in one big family trip, thinking this trip as a disaster at the end it changed to be a life changing experience to all.

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Sideways Place

Author’s Note: The story “Draw the Dark”, by Ilsa J. Bick, where a Seventeen-year-old, Christian, Cage lives with his uncle in Winter, Wisconsin, where his nightmares, visions, and strange paintings draw him into a mystery. Have you ever lived your life without your mom and dad right there to take you any where you want and give you money to hang out with friends.

The story Draw the Dark is somewhat of a horror story. With the things that are unknown, like the great wolves at night, with their eyes glowing gold and strange. Draw the Dark is also a mystery, the main character Christian believes that is where his parents have gone. He is left alone then his Uncle Hank is the only family member that is left. how would you feel having nothing to know about your ansesters just being the last one that can maybe tie down to were your parents have both dissaper.

Draw the Dark resemblance of the show called Ghost Whisperer, it is about this one girl, Linda, has the ability to see and speak to the dead. She tried to help people that lost loved ones and the ghosts come to her for help so they could cross over to the light. Christian uses his dreams to help him find out what happened to his parents. Him hearing the ghost speaking too him, he can't understand a word they say. He just needs to take time and pay attention to them.

Between the past and the present. He ties all of his nightmares together. That nightmare of the barn, were he seen someone get murder but not knowing what that meant. Also the sideways place (were Christian thinks he will find his parents). He is trying to draw this nightmare to remember the details and to put his many nightmares together to many but an ending to his life mystery. If he could answer his questions, he would be able to go back to his “normal life” and not have to worry about having a nightmare that he has to find why he is having it.

Having to be able to understand what his dreams meant to the big picture shows that, not only does he have to be artistic, he has to relate his fiction dream to the real world. Witch everyone gets nightmares, were they try to get the story of why you had that nightmare. Christian the odd ball, which you would just assume his life was just him being a quiet 17 year old that just has nothing to do but trouble. People don’t know his life story. So they just accused him and didn’t give him a chance to explain, about the graffiti on the barn, saying I SEE YOU in bold red dripping paint. waking up and seeing his new shoes smell like the wet grass. what would you think if you saw that.

The world could be just like this, people are around might not just have the things you have. A loving home, family to buy you gifts. If you lost a loved one or they have just dissaperd, what are you going to do? I don't think you would just sit there and think of what they were thinking at that point.I hope you would at least try to find them.

This story was a history with some history for winter, Wisconsin. Were Christian and his old friend named Sarah. The story was just a fascinating story you just can’t stop reading. With the action of running every were, stress of being pressured , fear of hearing things seeing things, not being able to find where your parents have gone. You could feel it all. It was a book you don’t want to pass by.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The house alone

Authors’ Note: This story is from the book called “There will Come Soft Rains” by Ray Bradbury about a point of view of an empty house. The only house standing after a nuclear blast.

It was August 4, 2026 in Allendale, California. There was a family of four and they all have passed away only there shadows remain. In this short story, written by Ray Bradbury, only the house remains cooking their meals, and cleaning. In the end, there was a fire. When reading this story, it made me think about how real this can be. How our future could be like this, with our houses doing everything for us.

In the morning the house clock announces that its time to wake up. Doing the usual everyday stuff like it is programmed to do. It is amazing how this house is so smart, that it can be programmed to do our everyday chores and make us food. It just shows how far technology can go, and that it truly keeps growing and growing by the year!

This short story really is an eye opener to all of us. On how much technology can take over our lives. And I think that if we are not careful we are not going to be able to see the world as we do now. We won’t want to go play outside or we won’t want to hang out with friends because we will have everything we need inside our houses. This makes me think of the movie “Wall-E” how in the future everything is gone other than some robots that have been forgotten.

Wishing that in the morning that the whole house is clean. All done without the family mad. This story it shows how are future could be like in 14 or 15 years.  However, the author had a great imagination of how he could imagine the house to be, and all the description.  It doesn’t matter how long the story was, it still had detail.  The detail of the time, and changing of the scenes. 

Monday, February 6, 2012


Author’s note: This short story is “The Glorious Whitewasher” and I thought it was interesting and inspiring.
The whitewasher, what did he ever do wrong? As I read on in this story, things changed and backfired. This story really was interesting because it was inspiring. How may you ask, well because it had taught me something that i never noticed. its just like breaking a promise, if you break it they won't trust you anymore. In the short story, “The Glorious Whitewasher,” the Mark Twain is teaching the reader that if you do something bad that you think is a good idea, it will eventually come back and bite you in the butt.
Some readers just might like this story, because it showed how tom was missing out on something impenitent. Missing out on something important. Tom went away to go play by the well in the middle of the town as people are working for him, but there giving tom all the goodies.why, because he was manipulating them to do the work.

But as time went on he saw something, something that he didn’t understand, and that thing he was missing out on. If I was in his place I would want to take back of what I did. But you can’t take back what has been done.

This author was very into this story because it was so descriptive you could see the story, the language was right on cue. I was into this story, and I could understand it like it was happening in the real world like it was here today. Just as i said before when tom told his friends to do his whitewashing job it did backfire. everyone was haveing fun and he didnt understand why. but then everyone just

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Were is hope

            Author's note: This story is a creative peace. Also it is about a girl whose father has passed away and her brother too. Now she just lives with her Mather, but she has a deep down secret that she can't understand.

“Hi my name is Ally and I am13 years old. I live with my mother in Kentucky My dad has just passed away last month, and my brother was born immature, When he was 7, before I was born he had a heart attack. It is very hard to live around here with no jobs, but we do sell are fruits to the naberhood, and the market about 2 miles down the road.” I said. 

It is a nice spring morning, the sun rises, as I am already outside farming.  Mom is just cooking some blueberry waffles. Life is good at this time of year, beautiful flowers all over, lilac smell in the air.

I am here to tell you life can be scary, but at the sometimes beautiful. Just like demons and angels.  That is how my father died, position of the devil. He was in the middle of an exerciseum. I was devastated. I didn’t know that he was going to die. But I still feel like the devil hasn’t left. I have had some experience with him. Right when my father  passed on I saw the sprite leave his body, a dark shadow blob with my father’s soul. I ran then he came flying towards me. But then I blacked out, my mom told me that I hit the wall.

After that I just have been supper tired my mom sees me walking around the house in the middle of the night, Every night. That is what my father used to do. He’d come in my room and watch me sleep, that’s what my mom said. Don’t tell my mom this but I feel the demon the possessed my father has me, I feel him watching me every move. She won’t believe me, I tried telling her but she thinks I am just still devastated about my father’s death. I don’t feel that it has me yet. But it will. I know that because he has told me, he also has my father I’ve seen him. So be careful it’s hunted.

            To be continued...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


 Author's note: This story is about how much i love it.  how much fun you could have with friends.

           Snow, cold, cold snow. O I just love the snow. Sledding down the hill, with your friends and family. Dressing up for the freezing temperatures. Making the snow family’s with your family. Rolling down the hill and getting the snow in your face. The memory's are so much fun. O how I love the snow.       

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Author's note: How much i love food. Also it is for writing circles.

          Food, how much I love food. There are good types of food and some horrible tasting food just like kiwi, or dark chocolate. When I am really bored I eat food, mostly junk food.
          My favorite kind of “food” is Chocolate, just like caramel truffles, also heath bars and just chocolate. I also enjoy a lot of healthy foods, just like apples and carrots, grapes, cheese, and also cherries and strawberries. and many more.


Author's note: Wonderful nights, when you remember your dreams
Dream at night
Dream in the day
You have no were to go
But have an adventure
By the time the sun has risen
 It is time to start a new one.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Black Fuzz

Author's note: The point of view from some boots. The adventure it takes the boots to the place it wants to go, a home.

            Hi, right now I am just on my way of getting put together, at the sewing station of the factory.  Ouch watch your needles gosh I don’t get any respect around here, all I do is get put on a convert belt and just poked with needles and everyone touches me with their greasy old hands, Ooh that’s just gross, I’m delicate.  But if you think about it why do people need boots like me, I know that I’m all that and beautiful but I don’t want to be use once and a while. I want to be shown off to every other shoe that you can see.

            Everyday I’m just going to be looked at, but sometime people try me on. Wait what someone just put me on and they said something and I think she likes me. Ooh I might just be taking home. YES no more in that crammed box. I finally got put in the cart and checked out.  like I know that I said that I really didn't want someones feet all in my, but now after being in that box for like about a month. It just makes you sick.  But the car ride wasn’t too bad. When I got to my “home” I was just sitting in a bag for a little bit until that person that put there feet in me, its just odd because she is my owner. But then I  got all raped in snowflake raping paper. Then on Christmas night I was unwrapped and I am still being worn almost every day.

By: Danielle