Friday, November 30, 2012

What Will Happen Next?

Author's Note: A prediction piece of a hook that is haunted by a mysterious black shadow that we do anything to protect his hook.

 In the lab were Cody did all of his experiments and mysterious things no one may ever now. He found a golden hook. As the boy tried and tried to melt the hook into a block of gold, but nothing was changing for the past hour. What was going on with the hook? Was there something important about the hook? As the night went by things were changing, light was flickering tools were swaying. It was cold and frightening noises everywhere. Then silence grew upon the room, dark shadow grew upon his presents breathing down his neck and spook in low scratchy tone, “THIS IS MY HOOK!”, and the black shadow grabbed him down to the basement were no one may ever go.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Our Founding Father's

Author’s Note: We all have our own ideas in mind, but the true answer is known only by the ones who set the goal themselves, our founding fathers.

Our founding fathers are the ones who bring hope and peace or a riot for our country. Such as all the presidents for example they are our founding fathers. The ones who made everything happen for what is going on today. We will have many more conflicts in our country between the presidents and our country.

Every time we get a new president there are so many rules that are changed. We might not notice it, but all our elders do. With all the taxes and the gas prices it’s a big change. Even though our prices have been going down, I just think that there is no need for it all to go up. It just does not make any sense for our president take all that money from us and  who knows what they use the money for.

We often tend to check all of our house hold items and where they were made in. Everything that you can find is either made in China or Mexico and even India. What have we been doing? Where are all of our “MADE IN USA” stamps? It just seems to me that we have nothing to work on and put our names on something other than land.

There have been so many rises and falls as this country that has formed us to be what we are today . Without some of these conflicts we wouldn’t have the same rules and freedom. Sure everyone gets frustrated with our government and society, but without them we wouldn’t have the history that we do, or more importantly, the future.